How many wins to make the playoffs in NFL?

Lucas oil stadium
by Alberto Cabello Mayero

In the National Football League, teams need to win a certain number of games in order to make it to the playoffs. The list below shows the percentage chance of making it to the playoffs based on the number of wins.

Wins to make it to the NFL playoffs

So for example, if a team has 9 wins, they have a 50% chance of making it to the playoffs. While 10 wins gives a team a 91% chance of making it to the playoffs, and 12 wins gives them a 100% chance.

This means that in order to have a almost guaranteed chance of making it to the playoffs, a team needs 11 wins.

  • 9 wins gives 50% chance to make it to the playoffs
  • 10 wins gives 91% chance to make it to the playoffs
  • 11 wins gives 99% chance to make it to the playoffs
  • 12 wins gives 100% chance to make it to the playoffs

How many wins do you need to win a NFL division?

How many wins are needed in order to have a high chance of winning a NFL division. 12 wins gives a 78% chance, 13 wins gives a 91% chance, 14 wins gives a 98% chance, and 15 wins gives a 99% chance. 16 wins is the max number of wins for a 100% chance of winning a NFL division. Therefore, in order to have a high chance of winning a NFL division, one should aim for at least 12 wins. However, more wins will of course result in an even higher chance of winning.

  • 12 wins gives 78% chance to win a NFL division
  • 13 wins gives 91% chance to win a NFL division
  • 14 wins gives 98% chance to win a NFL division
  • 15 wins gives 99% chance to win a NFL division
  • 16 wins gives 100% chance to win a NFL division

The content above outlines the percentage chance of making it to the playoffs in the NFL based on the number of wins a team has. It also provides information on how many wins are needed in order to have a high chance of winning a NFL division.